Feel empowered to live the life you want! As a teen girl you likely get pulled in many directions and feel you are expected to do everything perfectly!! Friends, family, school, heading to college - you hardly have time for FUN anymore...right?! Life coaching will help you understand yourself better so that you can make decisions that are right for you. Learn specific tools to help you navigate the challenges...and have FUN doing it. Take control of your life and become WIDE AWAKE!
Navigating the seas of your twenties is exciting....and also kind of terrifying! What is my purpose? What if I fail? How do I make money? All of a sudden the world is full of opportunities and YOU have to decide what is best for YOU. Life coaching with Wide Awake can help you clarify what’s important to you so that you make great decisions for yourself that lead you where you want to go. Make an impact on your future self and let your adventure begin...when you are WIDE AWAKE!
Maybe you have a teen girl and you are watching her struggle with some of the challenges she will encounter during adolescence. Perhaps your daughter is trying to do everything perfectly…and you can see the stress and pressure consuming her. OR maybe you have a daughter in college or her twenties who is trying to figure it all out - where she wants to live and work, who she wants to be - and you want to help her. But she doesn’t want your help! Wide Awake Life Coaching can help you help your daughter in a productive way with an expert in the field of girls and young women.